Below are links to three of the websites that are currently maintained:
Rowley Regis Disability Centre, this site has been active for a long while and is due for a revamp in 2024, it has been successful in generating interest and donations for the centre.
The donations recieved and interest have more than covered the cost of the website.
There is an Admin side to the website, this is used by the managment of the centre (restricted access) and is used to control/record a number of the activities.
Abbey Road Allotments, this site is concerned with promoting the allotment site and has a members page that is available to all current plotholders. In the members section is access to all the management meetings and copies of the important documents. The secretary and chairman of the allotment can also access the list of current plot holders and list of people on the waiting list. It will also list vacant plots when they are available. The secretary can use this section to allocate plots to people on the waiting list.
Colley Gate Gardening Club, this site promotes the Garening club, it has a number of sections including upcoming meetings, the annual show and the trading shed.
It has a members section that people can sign up to and get additional information.
Portfolio Albums
To see the portfolio of images for a particular album, simply click on the link on the album below.